Loomis Lab Uiuc Map

  1. Loomis Wa Map
  2. Loomis State Forest Map

University streets, sidewalks, parking lots (e.g. Stadium Drive, sidewalks around Loomis Lab, Lot E14) Property lease by the University (e.g. Offices within 1001 S. Wright, Champaign) Includes properties in the core campus that are owned by the University but controlled. 9 am - 5 pm, Sat April 9, 2016 Place. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Room 144 Loomis Lab, Department of Physics, 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801.


Loomis Wa Map

The Particle Cosmology group at the University of Illinois explores the connections betwen the universe's workings on its largest and smallest scales. We develop and employ “readout systems” for the cosmic laboratory: instruments to help tease out the signatures of new fundamental physics from astrophysical messengers. Recent efforts have focused on measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the afterglow of the hot early universe. New efforts include technology development for CMB and THz observations.

Our group’s research touches upon a broad range of topics bridging the domains of cosmology and fundamental physics. Our instrumentation employs cutting-edge technologies developed in condensed matter and engineering labs, including superconducting detectors and millimeter-wave optics. Our data analysis efforts involve large-scale computing and simulations. Students develop a wide variety of skills in a collaborative environment while addressing some of the highest-profile questions of modern cosmology.

Loomis Laboratory of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1110 West Green Street
IL 61801-3080
Phone: 217-333-8027
Fax: 217-333-9819 (not private)

Nigel Goldenfeld

Personal InformationDate of birth: 1 May, 1957
Citizenship: USA & UK
Present PositionSwanlund Endowed Chair and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Awards and Honors

Infosys-ICTS Chandrasekhar Lectures, Bangalore (2020)
American Physical Society Leo P. Kadanoff Prize (2020)
Primakoff Lecture, University of Pennsylvania (2020)
Dashen Memorial Lecture, UCSD (2019)
Mark Kac Lecture, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2019)
APS Outstanding Referee (2019)
Arnold Sommerfeld Lectures, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich (2018)
Sowers Symposium Lecturer, Virginia Technical University (2017)
Marshall N. Rosenbluth Lecture, Festival de Theorie, France (2017)
Tau Beta Pi Daniel C. Crucker Eminent Faculty Award, UIUC (2017)
Elected Professor, Center for Advanced Study, UIUC (2013)
Elected Fellow of Institute of Physics, UK (2011)
Elected Member, US National Academy of Sciences (2010)
Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2010)
Rosenqvist Lecturer, University of Oslo (2010)
Swanlund Endowed Chair (2007 - present)

Norman Hascoe Distinguished Lecturer, University of Connecticut (2008)
Arthur O. Williams Lecturer, Brown University (2008)
A.E. Nordsieck Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2001)
APS Centennial Speaker (1999)
Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (1995)
National Science Foundation Creativity Award (1997)
University Scholar of the University of Illinois (1994-1997)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow (1987-1991)
Xerox Award for Junior Faculty Research (1991)
Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, McMaster University (1989)
Beckman Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study, Urbana (1988)
Exhibitioner, Pembroke College (1976)

Numerous appearances on the University of Illinois Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked Excellent

Professional Experience
2013-presentDirector, Center for Universal Biology -- A NASA Astrobiology Institute @ UIUC


Swanlund Endowed Chair
2005 – presentLeader, Biocomplexity Theme, Institute for Genomic Biology
2003Senior Visitor, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
1995 – presentProfessor of Physics, University of Illinois
1996Founder, NumeriX LLC
1991 – 1995Associate Professor, University of Illinois
1985 – 1991Assistant Professor, University of Illinois
1988Visiting Scientist, Stanford University
1982 – 1985Postdoc, Insititute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara
1979 – 1982Graduate student, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
1976 – 1979Undergraduate, Pembroke College, Cambridge
1976 Research Assistant, National Physical Laboratory, England
Research InterestsDynamics of pattern forming systems, multi-scale modeling, phase transitions kinetics, front propagation, turbulence, renormalization group theory for differential equations and singular perturbations, critical phenomena, disordered systems, high temperature superconductivity, polymers and liquid crystals, computational finance, evolutionary biology, ecology

Research continually funded by the National Science Foundation since 1985, and by NASA and the US Department of Energy..

Additional professional activities

Chair, Section 33 Applied Physical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences (2017-)
APS Early Career Soft Condensed Matter Prize Committee (2019)
APS Investment Committee (2018-)

Member, NAS Comstock Prize Committee (2013)
Editorial Board of The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (2009-present)
Member, APS Oliver E. Buckley Prize Commitee (2009)
Editorial Board of Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (2008-present)

Reviewer, New directions for understanding systemic risk. (Fed Res. NY/NAS report, 2007)
Organiser, Program on Pattern Formation in Physics and Biology, KITP
UC Santa Barbara, 2003.
International Advisory Committee, Renormalization Group 2000
Chair, APS Lars Onsager Prize Committee (1998)
Member, APS Lars Onsager Prize Committee (1997)
Editorial Board of International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (1996-present)
International Advisory Committee, Renormalization Group 1996
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Program Committee (1995)
US Dept. of Energy Applied Mathematics Panel (1992)

Reviewer for Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters and other journals; National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, NASA, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation and other government and private grant-awarding agencies.

24 students supervised to Ph.D, 23 postdocs

Education1979 – 1982 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Ph.D Theoretical Physics
  • Advisor: Prof. Sir Sam Edwards, FRS
  • Title: Statistical Mechanics of Polymers in the Solid State

1976 – 1979 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
B.A. (Cantab) Natural Sciences, s
pecialising in theoretical physics

Loomis State Forest Map